采購合同范本中英 第1篇
產 品 購 銷 合 同
甲 方(買方) :
乙 方(賣方) :Supplier
買賣雙方同意成交下列產品,訂立條款如下:The undersigned Seller and Buyer agree following transaction, terms and conditions are specified as below:
第一條 定購產品: Ordered products:
第二條 質量要求及技術標準:
Art. 2 Quality requirements and technical specifications:
In accordance with prescribed products description of , the quality standard is based on manufacturer’s technical standard.
第三條 發貨時間和發貨方式:
Art. 3 Delivery time and terms of shipment:
Lead Time: 發貨方式: Terms of shipment:
第四條 付款方式:
Art. 4 Terms of payment:
第五條 收貨和驗收條款:
Art. 5 Goods reception and acceptance:
Acceptance criteria: according to the Art. 2 Quality requirements and technical specifications of the present
第六條 違約責任:
Art. 6 Liability for breach of contract:
Should Party A postpone payment, Party B has right to delay shipment date; Party A should consequently pay late fees of per day of the contract amount to party B till date of full payment. Should party A defers payment over 30 days, party B may dissolve the contract and Party A, according to above stipulated late fees rate, should pay Party B liquidated damages (until dissolution date released by party B) and Party A should return the goods to Party B. Actual amount paid by party A is considered as a compensation to Party B; party A should compensate the loss of party B additionally if above said compensation is not able to cover all the damage caused.
乙方按照本合同約定的時間、地點、質量要求和技術標準向甲方提供定購產品,如延期交付的,按照未交付產品金額的 /日向甲方支付滯納金。因乙方延期到貨給甲方造成的損失由乙方賠償。(因甲方未按期支付價款導致延期交貨的除外)
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